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Parksville, Qualicum, Nanaimo Newborn Photographer |Grayson

We had the pleasure of welcoming Grayson for his newborn photos.

Grayson is the youngest of 4. We love when parents of multiple kids come in. Quite often mom’s of multiple kids say that they want to make sure all their kids have equal opportunity in the photography department. To help with this we often recommend booking your milestone sessions and your cake smash at your newborn ordering appointment. Not only will you get your baby on the calendar but it elevates having to remember, which can be challenging whether you have 1 child or 4!

When we book your cake smash (or milestone session!) ahead of time we call you closer to your session date to start making plans. It’s taken care of and you don’t have to think about it again until the fun planning begins.

We feel really honoured to be asked to photograph your newborn. We love to hear what colours are in their nursery and the colours in your home so we can tailor your newborn session to your style.

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Grayson looked amazing with every colour. Perhaps the fuzzy blonde newborn hair had something to do with it?! It’s as adorable a feature as his little back rolls are!

It’s best to book your newborn sessions as early as possible (we usually recommend 2nd trimester) as spaces fill quickly.

You can hop on over to our contact page to plan your newborn session. We look forward to hearing from you.


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